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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Home parties #2

So it seems that this topic is one that generates some responses! lol I am glad because I have always wondered what people thought.

I agree with you that most of these companies are far too expensive. Recently I was at a trade show and saw the Princess House booth, I went and checked it out just to see what they had, well the lady was trying her darndest to get me to have a show and went on and on about how everything in the catalog is half price and what a great deal, so I look in the catalog, half price is still like $30 and up, way too much! There are some companies out there that I do think are worth it like Epicure for example, great products, taste great, and no fillers and additives - good in my book.

As far as the reason I host these parties, no it's not to try and suck my friends into buying something, truly I just want to have friends over for a little get together, I did try that once without having a 'selling party' and I had a few people come and it was nice. I am most definately NOT using my friends, if that's what you think I am very sorry it has never been my intention. Anonymous #5, there is no need to be mean and say I'm not a true friend, please always look at my heart, I'm not a user and I love my friends dearly, they are what keep me sane most days.

As far as why I sell it? Well it's really the only way that I can make a little extra money for our family without having to put my kids in daycare. I recently was offered a part time job, Dale and I figured out how much I was going make, how much daycare was going to cost (and I have to pay for daycare even with family) and it worked out to like $3 bucks an hour plus then the taxes needed to be taken off! Who wants to work for that? With what I do I can work from home if I choose, at any time of the day, and make WAY more than that.

I just hope that my friends realize how special they are to me and that I in no way am using them, I hardly ever get invited out anywhere and if I invite you over for one of these parties, it's not so that I can benefit from the free stuff or whatever, it's so that I can have a short time cure for my loneliness. Don't fell sorry for me please, that is not why I am telling you this, I'm telling you so you can see my heart.


Evie said...

Wow! Kind of rude comments coming from Anonymous #5! I think if someone feels that strongly about the issue, maybe they should have the courage to list their name with it, rather than cowardly hide behind anonymity...or better yet, chat with you personally about it, rather than air it publicly. :( :(

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

Yes that's what I thought too, I have a feeling I know who it is but I wish that they would have talked to me personally rather than using the chicken way out and doing it this way.