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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Honey do lists

What a glorious day it is here! It is cool and crisp and the sun is shining beautifully! God sure knows how to make em doesn't he?

Yesterday Alexa didn't have school so I planned a trip to the USA to do some shopping, we left in the afternoon and had a great time, got some deals, and even got to meet up with a long lost friend which was so fun, Thanks Beth for meeting us!

In the morning I checked to see how long the border line ups were and they were any where from 35-50 minutes, I wasn't too thrilled about that but I packed some snacks, books and the portable dvd player and off we went. When I checked the line ups I said a quick little prayer asking the Lord to "give us favour with anything we set our hands to today." When we got to the border there were 3 wickets open and only 2 cars in front of us in our line! It was great we just sailed through, on the way back we had to wait longer but not by much which I thought was funny because it was late at night and we left at 2:30 in the afternoon. To those that answered my questions about crossing the border with the kids on my facebook: the birth certificate is fine for Brooklynn and they never asked for a letter from Dale, thanks for your help! :o)

I always make plans for the days like this, they are always far too much than what I would actually get done but it's the thought that counts right? Oh.....maybe that's just for gifts and cards....lol So today, it's now afternoon so lets see how much of it actually happens......

1. clean up the mountain of clothes that is in the hallway right now that I made Alexa throw in there in search of her winter jacket, there was method to that madness, I though we will throw it somewhere where I will be forced to deal with it rather than ignore it which would be much easier.

2. clean the kitchen

3. get groceries for dinner, on the menu tonight: cheddar potato soup and biscuits yummy, thanks "Miss you are no lady" for the idea

4. put up the Christmas lights around the deck: I asked Dale if he could help me put up the lights to which he replied that he wanted to wash the truck, and if he helped me do the lights that it would just make him mad. I don't understand what his deal is with Christmas and decorating, every year it's the same thing, I do it all, which I don't mind but if I ask if he can help me hang a string of lights where I can't really reach all that well he grunts and groans and puts on a big pout. The funny thing is that when I have it all up and done he thinks its nice! lol He asked me why I needed help putting up the lights around the deck, I said well it's easier if two people do it, one can string it and put the zap straps on and the other holds the rest of the lights, not to difficult in my mind, that way none of them accidentally get stepped on, which happened last year when I did it by myself.

5. write Christmas cards, yes I did decide to write some, I'm just cutting down my list

6. get the rest of our decorations from storage and put them up, this involves the help of Dale which he is less than thrilled about, he doesn't know that this is on his "honey do" list today, lol.

So it is just after 12:30 on Saturday afternoon and I've got 3 days of stuff to do on my list, I'm hoping at least there can be a start on it. :o)


Evie said...

I hate to tell you, but I think stringing Christmas lights is a job most men despise...and Dale has ALWAYS hated it!!! I had a good giggle session (to myself) when Dale & I went to visit U. Cliff & A. June (years ago) and the first thing U. Cliff asked Dale about was "helping" him string Christmas lights in a BIG tree by their house, presumably upon A. June's request. I betcha U. Cliff was trying to get out of it himself! Dale did it, but I knew him well enough to know he wasn't very happy about it! Hahaha! Take comfort though...from what I gather, you're not alone in the Christmas light vs. hubby dept. : )

Rebekah A.d. said...

You're welcome! I'm having leftovers for supper tonight, I can't wait!