OH my I just found the best websites for charts! I do very well if I've got a weekly chart where I can write down everything that's happening for the week, I love my day timer but if I have something that I can put on the fridge it's even better, they help me to stay on track and not forget anything. So here are the websites: www.theprojectgirl.com, this one was great, she has a weekly meal planner and then depending on which style you choose there is a list on the side or bottom of the page where you can keep a running tab of what you need as far as groceries go, it's even listed out in sections: produce, canned goods, dairy, frozen etc. Then there is www.mintprintables.com, this was a weekly calender, the one that I loved had a retro pink border (shocking that I would pick pink, I know! lol) the top of it says 'Daily appointments for the week of:' and then it's got the week below it with lines to write whatever you want for each day in. Another website www.organizedhome.com gave several different options for charts that you can print and make into a book, it even gave a cover that you can print! Then there was one that I found that has kids chore charts (Alexa will be so pleased I'm sure) www.mommiesonline.net. I have found printable chore charts on other sites but I didn't like them as much as this one. I should also mention that these were all FREE! Now I just need to decide which ones to use! lol
ps: If I knew how I would put links to these website on here....sorry.
About Me
- Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy
- Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
- I am me, just looking for a place to talk.