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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Just a few thoughts....

So how are you liking summer so far? Finally we are having some nice weather! I have been away for almost 3 weeks, just the girls and I, we went and visited the in-law's out in Alberta. We had a great time catching up and relaxing, got some sun, had some fun and now we are back and reality comes crashing back down. Isn't it funny how we can get away and our problems and the busyness of life seem to disappear? lol 

Well now we are back and back into full swing, my brother is getting married on Sunday so there is lots going on surrounding that, rehearsal, shopping for gifts and clothes to wear etc. Oh yea and then that nasty little thing called back to school is looming in the far to close future, ah! I hate it when my kids go back to school, I LOVE having them home with me! I really wish I was one of those moms that can home school, I have lots of friends that do it and they all say "Oh it's so simple"..........ah........yea...........not so much!  I tried it, I had a goal of 3 months, I barely lasted a month, it is not for me! lol I think I may have had to go to the loony bin if I had pursued it further lol.

I recently found out that my sister-in-law has a DYI blog, I LOVE it!!! She is so talented! You HAVE to check it out www.brownpaperpackagesep.blogspot.com  Even the way she has her blog set up is awesome!  After spending a week with her and her family I am inspired to change some things around my home, so lets see what I can do eh?

Brown Paper Packages: Make Your Own Yogurt!

This is my Sister-in-law's blog, I can't wait to try this!!! I did taste it when I was out visiting her and it's yummy!!!

Brown Paper Packages: Make Your Own Yogurt!: "Hello, hello! Sorry for the delay in posting around here...life has been a little nutty lately with traveling, a wedding, sick babies, hosp..."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

God's Promises

How are you? It has been a while eh? I see that my last post was in May of 2010, almost a year ago....I have really just ignored my blog.

Things in my life have changed a little here and there, I still have a husband and 2 girls, the girls are 4 and 8 and they are going well. Alexa is in grade 3 and finds it challenging, Brooklynn is in preschool and she loves it. Dale is not driving tow truck anymore and now owns another semi truck and does work in our local area. I am working now too, I am doing courier work for a friend who specializes in hauling aerospace parts, I love it. It was a huge and a difficult change for me going from being a stay at home mom for 9 years to working full time but I love the work and the money was desperately needed. I don't work full time all the time though, I will when someone goes on vacation or is sick etc but other then that I just work more on an on call basis which works fine for me.

God has been so good, He has blessed me with a job at the exact time that it was needed most, He has provided money to buy groceries at the exact time needed, He has been faithful and I am so thank-full! Here is an example of how God has blessed me: one night I made a grocery list, there was nothing fancy on it, just the basics that we needed. I didn't have any money to buy the things on that list but I made it anyways, I was not going to ask anyone if I could borrow the money to buy those things, I had decided that I was just going to trust the Lord to provide. After the list was finished I looked at it and simply said "Well Lord, You are going to have to provide the money to pay for these things" and I left it at that. The next morning I got the mail and in the stack of papers were 2 checks that I was not expecting or knew were coming!!! "Well Lord, thank-you for the money to pay for the groceries!!!" So that afternoon off I go to the store, as I shopped I did not keep track of the things I was putting into the cart, now that I think back on it that was quite foolish because how was I going to pay for the things if I went over the amount of the checks that I had received? But that was in the Lords plan!!! He had it all figured out for me. As I put all my things on the counter I said a little prayer "Lord, please let me have enough money to pay for all this" The cashier tells me the total and I count out the bills....and then the change, I had EXACTLY the amount needed, I literally had cents left!!!!!! How many times have you shopped and had exactly what you needed, no more, no less??? God sure showed me that HE is taking care of me and my family, this was exactly what I needed to experience to know without a shadow of a doubt that HE IS THERE FOR ME, and HE IS THERE FOR YOU TOO!!!

~Jeremiah 29:11-13: "For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord. "They are plans for your good and not for disaster, to give you a hope and a future" "In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me in earnest, you will find Me when you seek Me".

~Isaiah 40:31: But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

These two scriptures I have held close to my heart in the last year and give me comfort when I start feeling down or depressed, Psalm 91 is also an awesome one that I hold tight too, look it up.

If you have any prayer needs I would love to hear about them and I will pray with you for God's best in your life!