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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Yes, I am still blogging, are you still reading?

Yes I am still here! It has been a very busy month, which I'm sure it has been for all of you as well.

I had a great Christmas how about you? We went from one party to the next and now yesterday I crashed, I didn't get out of my pj's and went to bed early, I am still in them now too, lol, I suppose I better change before I go to the bank.

I am not sure if I posted about Dale's utter dislike of putting up Christmas lights or not, I had asked him once if he would do it and got a very unsavoury reaction so I didn't ask again. Well guess what happened on Christmas Eve? lol Yep, he put up the lights! I don't know exactly why he did it but I'm happy to have them up and they look pretty, he did not waste any time however in telling me how ridiculous he thought it was that people would endanger themselves to put up Christmas lights on their houses, haha, ok, whatever, it was your decision. lol

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

1000 Visitors!

Wow I cracked a 1000 vistors! I was going to do something special for number 1000 but I was too slow to be fast! lol :o) Thanks for dropping by!

A 2 for 1 post

Some of you may have noticed that things have been a bit rough for me the last couple of days, I suppose it's the proverbial "when it rains it pours" and that's exactly what it seems like lately. I am very over whelmed with everything. I feel like I've got too many hats, wife, mother, daughter, sister, Avon rep, Partylite rep, friend, and I'm trying to keep everybody happy and it seems that I'm being slammed on all sides lately. I know out of these hats which are the important ones: wife and mother and at the bottom are Avon and Partylite. Trying to keep it all together it seems is turning out to be more than I can bare. I do Avon and Partylite to try and contribute as best I can to our family financially but then I'm torn in so many directions. For example today I had a PL customer email to say that one of the pieces in her order is missing, I apologized and asked her what I could do about the situation, her responses were along these lines: "I guess I'll just chalk this up to another one of my xmas shopping disappointments" I was thinking seriously? It's just a candle and I can replace it for you or give you something else. Anyways after a frustrating day of back and forth with her I think I've got it figured out, my friend has one and that she's willing to part with and now if the lady would just get back to me to let me know if she still wants it this will be over. Then this afternoon I get my Avon order, one customer had ordered a pair of boots a few weeks ago and they've been back ordered since then, there is a paper in the box that says the boots are not coming, GREAT! Another problem, now I have to contact her too and break her the bad news, she was rather excited about these boots. It just seems like one thing after another, this on top of a huge fight with my sister which I will not get into and some issues with others too. Can you hear me screaming? Yea, I think I'll just pop another chocolate in my mouth. lol......................mmmm......that's better! I really need a girls night out and soon, any takers?

Now on to the comment that she had said, "xmas" that just absolutely grates on me, it find it highly offensive. You see it everywhere now, in store windows on advertisements, even commercials on TV talk about "the Holidays" instead of Christmas, "Happy Holidays they say" that's all fine and nice but I believe in "Merry Christmas". I believe in the virgin birth of my Saviour Jesus Christ and I celebrate it at CHRISTmas, not xmas, CHRSTmas. Xmas is just a politically correct way of saying Christmas so that it does not offend people who are not Christians, how would any of these other religions feel if the world decided to change the name of one of their sacred holidays to something more "politically correct"? How about "xakhi" instead of vaisakhi for the sihks? How about "xadan" instead of for ramadan for muslims? or "xsak" instead of vesak (buddist new year) for budists? I think they would make a big stink about this, why is it that the world does not think twice about cutting out and changing anything that is Christian but they don't do the same for the other religions? It is a double standard.

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to feel like Christmas!

It snowed yesterday! Me and the girls were quite thrilled, I know that to those of you that live east of us it's really no big deal but it is a big deal here. When it snows here all of a sudden everything looks clean and feels nice and cozy and Christmasy, I love it!

This also is when BC'ers (most of them I should say) forget how to drive, it seems that as soon as the first snowflake hits they go crazy, if they are in a car they start to either drive painfully slow or ridiculously fast and if they have a 4 wheel drive all of a sudden they are invisible, and inevitably end up in the ditch. My Dad is from Ontario, he thinks he knows how to drive in the snow, I think he's a scary driver in normal weather never mind when it's snowing! lol Any tips on driving in it from you people who live in it all winter?

On to other things, Alexa had her school Christmas concert on Friday, as Dale and I are still there waiting for it to begin he was making little comments here and there about the church and I said "have you never been in here before?" "no" he said, I thought: "that's terrible" "that means that in 3 years of being in school he had not made it for 1 single thing that has happened for her" the word to describe it that came to me was 'disgusting' I was thinking it's no wonder she's asked so many times over the last week if he was going to come. His work has taken priority over everything in his life and it's very hard for me to understand this. I know it's because he wants to get out of debt and be free of it but at what cost to his family?

I am so tired of going to everything alone, parties, things from school etc etc. and I'm tired of having to take the kids with me just about everywhere, have you tried Christmas shopping with a couple of curious little girls? lol That's hard! I would love to go to the states to the outlets in Seattle, I've never been, but Dale's never home to go with us and it's too far for me to go with the girls by myself and I don't want to go totally alone either so what do I do? Just not go..... The other day I was at Costco and I bought the newest Tinkerbell movie, the lady that checks the receipt asked me: "where is the DVD" and starts digging through my stuff, I quickly ran around the cart and whispered in her ear that it's a Christmas gift, when did Costco actually start digging through your carts? Anyways, the girls were none the wiser so that was good. Oh sorry bout that, totally didn't plan on ranting to you about my frustrations! :o)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Yes I am still here

Yes everyone I am still here, it has been one heck of a busy week and it seems that no end is in sight! Isn't that how it always is though, especially at this time of year? This week is the last week of school before Christmas holidays (YEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!) I am only slightly excited about this, lol, and there are lots of things going on too: On Tuesday the school is going skating, on Thursday the girls are invited to a kids Christmas party at a friends house and I am a mommy helper, on Friday the school is going to the Clova to see a movie, on Saturday is a friends Christmas party (this is the one that I told you about that is themed 'Griswold Christmas' we have to dress up as characters from the movie, hilarious!), on Sunday is an extended family Christmas party and then on Monday is my girlfriends Christmas party.....phewf, that's exhausting just writing all of it! haha It will all be fun.

I have been pretty busy this week too which is partly why I haven't blogged since last Monday, the other reason being that my computer is painfully slow and I can't seem to figure out whats wrong, it's driving me crazy! It seems a little better tonight after a freind told me how to fix something, we'll see......

Anyways, an update on the Christmas card count: 6! I have only sent one out so far to a friend in the states. Today I ordered some family pics that I want to put in the cards so when I get them on Tuesday I will be getting them out....I hope! heehee I am a HUGE procrastinator............please pray for me that I can change that, it's a big problem for me.

So how are you?

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Christmas card in the mail!

I am celebrating today, I got my first Christmas card in the mail!!! Thank-you JK, lovely picture! So now I've got 3 altogether hanging on my Christmas card holder, one from CC, one from KM (congrats on the newest addition) and then the one today, I can't wait to see how many more will be added! :o) Yes I know how this sounds, I am probably way too excited about this but I love Christmas & I love getting mail so this is a perfect combination in my mind! lol

On to other things, do any of you ever notice that your husband (sorry guys) does not listen? I had a doctors appointment this afternoon at 3:45, Dale was supposed to be home until 6:00 and then had to go to work, well he got called in early and he phones me to tell me this as I'm on my way to the docs. Now I'm thinking as he tells me this, "what exactly would you like me to do about that right now, particularly since I am on my way already and my appointment was 5 minutes ago" So I tell him "well I guess call my mom to watch the girls" I just assumed this is what he did, I get to my appointment and the doc wants to send me for an x ray so I head upstairs right away to see if I can get it done, there is no line up, awesome, as I sit down I text Dale just to fill him in on what's happening and I get called before I even finish the message. He texts back "why now, I have to go" by then I was already done, so I called him, "why would you go and get that done now when you know I have to go to work?" he says "ah...I thought you were already AT work and the girls are at mom's" He did not hear me say call my mom. AAHHH! So now he's mad at ME and it's MY fault that he didn't get off to work sooner, I tell him I would be home in 20 min and quickly head home, he didn't even wait for me to get home, I passed him on the road and the girls were at my mom's already. Why he did not think of this on his own is beyond me, my mom is the backup plan whenever stuff like this happens. Anyways, that was a few hours ago and he has not called me or anything, so he's mad, now do I call him to apologize even though I don't think I need to?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let's try that again

I thought that I would fill you all in on my progress of yesterdays to-do list. I did not get very far although I wasn't sitting around eating bon bons and watching soap operas afternoon either.

I did get the groceries for dinner and made dinner, the soup was DELICIOUS I also made herb & garlic and cheddar biscuits to go with it, this is an epicure recipe, I will not do these again, I did not like the herb & garlic in it, maybe next time lemon dilly? I don't know. I cleaned the kitchen too although you wouldn't know it this morning, I hate the fact that when you clean it never stays that way, especially with small children running around, they pull things apart behind you as you go. Maybe I'll get to the lights today, Dale did say he would help me which was surprising because I never said anything about it after after asking the first time. The decorations didn't happen either.... See told ya, I am always quite ambitious with my plans on days like that and never get it all accomplished. lol

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Honey do lists

What a glorious day it is here! It is cool and crisp and the sun is shining beautifully! God sure knows how to make em doesn't he?

Yesterday Alexa didn't have school so I planned a trip to the USA to do some shopping, we left in the afternoon and had a great time, got some deals, and even got to meet up with a long lost friend which was so fun, Thanks Beth for meeting us!

In the morning I checked to see how long the border line ups were and they were any where from 35-50 minutes, I wasn't too thrilled about that but I packed some snacks, books and the portable dvd player and off we went. When I checked the line ups I said a quick little prayer asking the Lord to "give us favour with anything we set our hands to today." When we got to the border there were 3 wickets open and only 2 cars in front of us in our line! It was great we just sailed through, on the way back we had to wait longer but not by much which I thought was funny because it was late at night and we left at 2:30 in the afternoon. To those that answered my questions about crossing the border with the kids on my facebook: the birth certificate is fine for Brooklynn and they never asked for a letter from Dale, thanks for your help! :o)

I always make plans for the days like this, they are always far too much than what I would actually get done but it's the thought that counts right? Oh.....maybe that's just for gifts and cards....lol So today, it's now afternoon so lets see how much of it actually happens......

1. clean up the mountain of clothes that is in the hallway right now that I made Alexa throw in there in search of her winter jacket, there was method to that madness, I though we will throw it somewhere where I will be forced to deal with it rather than ignore it which would be much easier.

2. clean the kitchen

3. get groceries for dinner, on the menu tonight: cheddar potato soup and biscuits yummy, thanks "Miss you are no lady" for the idea

4. put up the Christmas lights around the deck: I asked Dale if he could help me put up the lights to which he replied that he wanted to wash the truck, and if he helped me do the lights that it would just make him mad. I don't understand what his deal is with Christmas and decorating, every year it's the same thing, I do it all, which I don't mind but if I ask if he can help me hang a string of lights where I can't really reach all that well he grunts and groans and puts on a big pout. The funny thing is that when I have it all up and done he thinks its nice! lol He asked me why I needed help putting up the lights around the deck, I said well it's easier if two people do it, one can string it and put the zap straps on and the other holds the rest of the lights, not to difficult in my mind, that way none of them accidentally get stepped on, which happened last year when I did it by myself.

5. write Christmas cards, yes I did decide to write some, I'm just cutting down my list

6. get the rest of our decorations from storage and put them up, this involves the help of Dale which he is less than thrilled about, he doesn't know that this is on his "honey do" list today, lol.

So it is just after 12:30 on Saturday afternoon and I've got 3 days of stuff to do on my list, I'm hoping at least there can be a start on it. :o)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Deals and Blessings

I just wanted to pass along some deals that I found in the last couple days..... If your kids need any outer wear Old Navy and the Childrens Place outlet in White Rock have 40% off on coats etc. I love that Childrens Place outlet! Awesome deals there! I got Brooklynn a new winter coat, it's one of those 3 in 1 ones where you can zip out an inner jacket, regular price was $70 then a super cute quilted vest with a fur lined hood, it was regularly $26.50, then a winter hat and then I got Alexa a new pair of snow pants, can't remember the regular price of that either, and a sweater for her as well, anyways, my total bill was only $112!!! I thought that was amazing especially since the jacket alone was $70 regularly! I was quite pleased! I had kind of been squeezing Brooklynn into last years jacket but I was starting to feel sorry for her because it's just too small, so when I saw that deal I grabbed it.

Then today I got a huge bag of cobs bread for free! I am finding pretty much every day the Lord is blessing us, it may be something big, it may be something small but it's always a reminder to us that he's looking out for us and has not forgotten us in our time of need.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Cards

Do you write out and mail Christmas cards? I have been contemplating whether or not to write and mail any this year because I don't hardly get any. I would do the ones for friends that I see regularly etc but I am not sure about doing them for all the other people I have sent to over the years. For me it hardly seems worth the effort involved when I hardly get any from those that I send to, I have sent ones to family in Ontario and to Sweden and only get a couple from the Ontario family and never any from Sweden. I can't remember if it was last year or the year before but I counted how many cards I sent out and it was like 50 or something and then counted how many I received and I think there were 20 or 25. I sort of feel like why bother when they don't see the importance of sending us Christmas greetings and keeping us up to date on what's going on in their families? Am I just having a bad attitude here? Or would this bother you too? I love getting the family letters, pictures and Christmas cards but maybe other people don't feel the same way.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas times a comin

Today is December 1st!!!!! Yes, that means that the Christmas season is officially upon us and I couldn't be happier about it! I have started putting out a few decorations here and there and thought today I would do some more. Dale hates it, he figures that people shouldn't start decorating or playing Christmas music until December 24th lol, not me, I even changed my alarm clock radio station to Praise 106.5 because they are playing Christmas music all the time now!

Last year was a terrible Christmas for me, I was in a depression that was way worse than normal and I could have cared less that it was Christmas or that it snowed for it, normally I would have literally been giddy about it. I am making up for lost time this year! Even though things are extremely tight this year I have been able to find bargains and have seen the Lords hand in that area. I really would like to go to the US to do some shopping but don't want to go alone, anyone want to go with me?

I don't have as many people to buy for this year, we are not doing exchange with my family which I think is very said, I love the whole gift thing, not necessarily getting but giving, I love picking out the perfect gift that shows them how I feel about them. That is my love language, 'Giving/Receiving of gifts' For me to give a gift shows you that I love and appreciate you and to receive one shows me how much you love and appreciate me, if for example Dale doesn't get me a Christmas gift or Birthday gift, even though in my head I would know why (lack of money) in my heart it would feel like he's stuck a knife in and spat on me saying I hate you. I really wish this wasn't my gifting, I don't know anyone else with it and people don't understand it and I know that it comes across as selfish, (my feelings about gifts) and that's not at all where it comes from.