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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Christmas card in the mail!

I am celebrating today, I got my first Christmas card in the mail!!! Thank-you JK, lovely picture! So now I've got 3 altogether hanging on my Christmas card holder, one from CC, one from KM (congrats on the newest addition) and then the one today, I can't wait to see how many more will be added! :o) Yes I know how this sounds, I am probably way too excited about this but I love Christmas & I love getting mail so this is a perfect combination in my mind! lol

On to other things, do any of you ever notice that your husband (sorry guys) does not listen? I had a doctors appointment this afternoon at 3:45, Dale was supposed to be home until 6:00 and then had to go to work, well he got called in early and he phones me to tell me this as I'm on my way to the docs. Now I'm thinking as he tells me this, "what exactly would you like me to do about that right now, particularly since I am on my way already and my appointment was 5 minutes ago" So I tell him "well I guess call my mom to watch the girls" I just assumed this is what he did, I get to my appointment and the doc wants to send me for an x ray so I head upstairs right away to see if I can get it done, there is no line up, awesome, as I sit down I text Dale just to fill him in on what's happening and I get called before I even finish the message. He texts back "why now, I have to go" by then I was already done, so I called him, "why would you go and get that done now when you know I have to go to work?" he says "ah...I thought you were already AT work and the girls are at mom's" He did not hear me say call my mom. AAHHH! So now he's mad at ME and it's MY fault that he didn't get off to work sooner, I tell him I would be home in 20 min and quickly head home, he didn't even wait for me to get home, I passed him on the road and the girls were at my mom's already. Why he did not think of this on his own is beyond me, my mom is the backup plan whenever stuff like this happens. Anyways, that was a few hours ago and he has not called me or anything, so he's mad, now do I call him to apologize even though I don't think I need to?

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