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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to feel like Christmas!

It snowed yesterday! Me and the girls were quite thrilled, I know that to those of you that live east of us it's really no big deal but it is a big deal here. When it snows here all of a sudden everything looks clean and feels nice and cozy and Christmasy, I love it!

This also is when BC'ers (most of them I should say) forget how to drive, it seems that as soon as the first snowflake hits they go crazy, if they are in a car they start to either drive painfully slow or ridiculously fast and if they have a 4 wheel drive all of a sudden they are invisible, and inevitably end up in the ditch. My Dad is from Ontario, he thinks he knows how to drive in the snow, I think he's a scary driver in normal weather never mind when it's snowing! lol Any tips on driving in it from you people who live in it all winter?

On to other things, Alexa had her school Christmas concert on Friday, as Dale and I are still there waiting for it to begin he was making little comments here and there about the church and I said "have you never been in here before?" "no" he said, I thought: "that's terrible" "that means that in 3 years of being in school he had not made it for 1 single thing that has happened for her" the word to describe it that came to me was 'disgusting' I was thinking it's no wonder she's asked so many times over the last week if he was going to come. His work has taken priority over everything in his life and it's very hard for me to understand this. I know it's because he wants to get out of debt and be free of it but at what cost to his family?

I am so tired of going to everything alone, parties, things from school etc etc. and I'm tired of having to take the kids with me just about everywhere, have you tried Christmas shopping with a couple of curious little girls? lol That's hard! I would love to go to the states to the outlets in Seattle, I've never been, but Dale's never home to go with us and it's too far for me to go with the girls by myself and I don't want to go totally alone either so what do I do? Just not go..... The other day I was at Costco and I bought the newest Tinkerbell movie, the lady that checks the receipt asked me: "where is the DVD" and starts digging through my stuff, I quickly ran around the cart and whispered in her ear that it's a Christmas gift, when did Costco actually start digging through your carts? Anyways, the girls were none the wiser so that was good. Oh sorry bout that, totally didn't plan on ranting to you about my frustrations! :o)


Anonymous said...

awhh...yes trying to find balance between work and family is sure hard for some of these hard working husbands we have. Dlae is a hard working fella, but totally know how you feel sometimes, me too...but on the flipside, he came to the concert...and made Alexa's day! need to be around for the memorable events, no matter what the cost, even it is money...she will remember he mom and dad there for her, and that is what matters the most, being there, you cannot do things over...when the kids move out you will ask...where did the time go? but hopefully there is an amazing lifetime of family togetherness under our children's belys. Even if it is time here and there...making it is the most important, treasure each day and each moment, they are so precious! I hope your Christmas is wonderful, and you all have some time to be with eachother...

Rishana said...

Hey Angela!

I've been reading your blog for a while, and find it interesting...a person can learn a lot about another person by reading their blog, kind of like listening to the internal dialogue, just a little more editted.
Anyways, from one truck-drivers wife to another, I can tell you that I understand what it's like to have a husband that's absent more then present! We aren't the only ones though, there are a lot of families that have a spouse that does shift-work (firemen, policemen)that aren't home a lot either. What I think is important to really think about is the positive side of your situation. I for one feel incredibly blessed to have a husband who's willing to be the provider. He works so that I CAN be involved in all of the kids activities, that's not a given, many, many families have their kids in daycare and at school while they both work, or go to school full-time or whatever... I think that my kids are fortunate to have one parent that is available to them at ALL times, look around and you'll see that's not the case for a lot of kids out there. I think that Dale's drive to be debt free, and to provide is honorable, and although it sucks sometimes, he should be praised, there aren't many men that are so willing. My suggestion is to keep the lines of communication open, in our house we realize that a rather huge phone bill needs to be budgeted for. I talk to Doug as many times during the day as we need to. The kids say prayers with him every night and discuss their day with him then, if they are sad or lonely for him, they call him. when he is home we plan things that we do together. I try to make sure that cleaning and chores are done before he gets home so that we use our time together in a quality way. Another BIG thing for me is surrounding myself with people who understand my life, women who experience the same type of issues of being a "single-married-mom"! It helps to know that you aren't the only one, and to have the support of people who can relate. And it's a lot about attitude, I remind the kids that dad might not be able to come, but I will. Anyways, I hope that you hear my heart when you read this and don't take it as an attack, because that's not my intention. Just wanted to let you know that I know what you're talking about.