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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Cards

Do you write out and mail Christmas cards? I have been contemplating whether or not to write and mail any this year because I don't hardly get any. I would do the ones for friends that I see regularly etc but I am not sure about doing them for all the other people I have sent to over the years. For me it hardly seems worth the effort involved when I hardly get any from those that I send to, I have sent ones to family in Ontario and to Sweden and only get a couple from the Ontario family and never any from Sweden. I can't remember if it was last year or the year before but I counted how many cards I sent out and it was like 50 or something and then counted how many I received and I think there were 20 or 25. I sort of feel like why bother when they don't see the importance of sending us Christmas greetings and keeping us up to date on what's going on in their families? Am I just having a bad attitude here? Or would this bother you too? I love getting the family letters, pictures and Christmas cards but maybe other people don't feel the same way.


Evie said...

Oh, Christmas card season! I briefly thought about dragging out all my odds & ends Christmas cards today and then decided I needed to clean the house more...lol.
I LOVE getting Christmas cards and pictures and letters. But I STINK at sending them. I once had a Christmas card - and one of those expensive, really pretty glittery kinds too, which you'd think would be motivation - sit on my desk for a full year before I got around to mailing it. I believe they got it the following Christmas.
So yah - I totally love getting them, but I always feel reeeeally guilty when I realize it's Dec. 24th and I never even cracked open my own box of cards...gulp!! (Same with birthday cards, as everyone in my family already knows)
But please - don't stop sending us one! lol!

Gary & Lynda said...

Ha, ha, I have the opposite problem. I don't particularly care if I get a card in return (especially if there is no Christmas letter or personal note), but I wonder if people really care about getting them! For the amount of effort it takes me to send out 200 Christmas cards for Gary's work... I average about 13 C.P.H. (Cards Per Hour)which makes it about a 15 hour job. And it's the one time of year that I make a huge effort to write a personal note in each one. Doing this with 2 small children is no small feat. I find as many ways as I can to procrastinate.

Fat Girl Blogging said...

I had the same problem...So last year I wrote down the names of the people who sent us a Christmas card and those are the people that get a card this year. I am not wasting my time or money sending cards to family members/old friends who don't call, don't write etc! It feels pretty liberating actually!

Fat Girl Blogging said...
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Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

Evie: I am such a procrastinator so I've got the same problem although I still do them eventually, I've probably had more "after Christmas cards" than before! lol

Lynda: Yes it is a VERY time consuming job which is partly why it bothers me that people don't put the same effort in for us.

Jessica: That's a great idea, I had thought of doing that last year too but didn't, now I have to try and remember. lol