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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


So I know that at the beginning I had a lot of comments on one of my posts but now it seems that hardly anyone is commenting, is anyone reading this? lol Please feel free to comment, I love them it encourages me to continue, and not to worry I was not dissolved in tears from that earlier post I was fine, so please comment!

Last night was Halloween, I took the girls to the party at the school, it was fun but there weren't as many people there as other years, probably a combo of it being on a Saturday night and maybe peoples fears over H1N1. We had fun, it was too bad that Dale was away though...oh well, we are getting used to it now, or rather I am I should say, lol, the girls maybe not so much.

As I'm laying in bed last night I was thinking about a friends status comment, she said:


(she always writes in all caps) Anyways, this had me thinking, I have taken the kids to the party at the school and then a few houses afterwards for several years now and never have we focused on the evil parts of halloween, I don't want my kids to feel as though they are missing out on anything but I don't want to cater to the devil either. I know the roots of halloween and I know that it is not what it is based on for many people now a days, now it's just all fun and candy and parties and unless you are a which or something that's all that it is, so what is the right thing to do? I'm not sure, still thinking on that one. What are your thoughts? What would be the right thing to do?


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with your friend. Many Christians are blissfully unaware of not just Halloween, but many things. I don't think it's quite as innocent as we think it is. Just like Satan does with all things evil, he is tricking us into thinking Halloween is something harmless. Actually I looked 'harmless' up on the thesaurus - the opposites of harmless are...bad, evil, sinful, wicked. Quite an eye-opener for me!

Satan wants to trick us bit by bit. Something as innocently dressing up as say a witch for Halloween to get a bit of candy...watching childrens TV shows that have spells and magic in them...we become de-sensitized to what really is evil and what is just cute child's play. Witches, spells and magic are real, and they are of the devil and we have to protect ourselves and our children. Don't be blinded by Satan.

Andra said...

Hey Angela, I wouldn't worry about people not commenting - you've had 283 visitors since October 22! Wow! At least they're reading :)

Rebekah A.d. said...

I don't have people commenting a lot on mine either.. then I remind myself I started my blog for me, and as nice as it would to have commenting, I am enjoying what I write!!

I don't see any harm in taking the girls out for Halloween. On the other hand, I don't think I went out after the age of 6. Our family always went out for dinner or watched movies in the basement. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything

ILuvLabs said...

I enjoy reading your blogs, keep it up! I just don't always comment.

Anonymous said...

I believe what the bible says....what does light have to do with dark...you can't get much darker then halloween! I think if you studied all the research on it you would see how very dark it is!