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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Need a Hug

Do you ever have those days that seem like nothing goes right or rather that maybe they go ok but for whatever reason in your mind nothing is going right? Today was one of those days for me.

All afternoon I felt like bursting into tears, I wanted to thinking that maybe I would feel better but I couldn't cry. Before you start asking if it's just PMS, I will say that no it's not, maybe post PMS, is there even such a thing? lol

The day started out not that great, I have not been sleeping that well for a few nights now and last night was no different. Yesterday I shaved my legs but before I did that I tried this new thing that I got sucked into buying at one of those trade shows called "Smoooth Legs" the idea is to buff off the hair on your legs and eventually having it be gone altogether forever, kind of like a guys legs that wears cowboy boots all the time and he's got not much hair where the boots touch his calves. Anyways, what it really is like is a round disk with sand paper on it and you don't buff, you sand it off therefore causing extreme pain after the fact and shaving after it because it didn't really work that well only causes more pain. All this to say that I go to bed, my one leg is killing me so I get up go and rub an antibiotic ointment all over it and then loosely wrap a tensor around so the ointment doesn't come off on my sheets, I then spend the entire night tossing and turning because either my leg is hurting or I'm trying to keep the bandage from coming off.

Dale gets up early to go to the dentist, he had to get a crown put on, when he gets home he's grumpy cause his mouth hurts and because he just had to put out $1000 on his teeth, which for some reason almost seems like he thinks is my fault. (Note: this is probably me misinterpreting things but in my current state of mind..... lol) After a little lunch he then leaves to go and work on some hay stuff, great! SO not great, he's always gone. Can you hear me whining right now? lol

Then I end up having a huge argument with my sister, not the preggo one. Fantastic, she asked me what was wrong between the 2 of us, I answered, nuff said. Blah! Then Dale came home, I had made chili in the afternoon for dinner thinking maybe that would cheer him up that I would have something ready for him to eat when he got home and before he left on his trip again. He ate a little and said it was good but didn't feel like eating much cause of his mouth being sore, ok, I get that.

He leaves and I get Alexa to taste the chili cause she's hungry and I wanted to make sure it wasn't too spicy for her, that was a no go, much to spicy for her! Awesome! (I hope you sense the sarcasm here lol) So I pull out a box of whole wheat mac and cheese and that is what the girls are eating now. I had put one chipotle pepper chopped up really fine in the pot, it gave the chili a nice smokey flavour but I thought after the fact that maybe I should have gone with a less is more mentality with the pepper, I could have always added more later.

I also helped Alexa get caught up with homework which is always a challenge hence the reason she is back in school and why I'm not homeschooling anymore. She has so much because she was off school for several days, she's had a really bad cold with a fever and with all the H1N1 craziness I didn't want to take any chances.

So here I sit, the girls are eating mac and cheese in the living room watching Barbie and the Three Musketeers and I'm thinking when is it bed time? and I can't wait until Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice comes on! How was your day?


Anonymous said...

You know what, I was going to answer your 'how was your day?' question, but grrr. Where do I start! And it wasn't even a bad day. So, I hope your day tomorow is a better one, but I know mine won't be.

CC said...

awhhh! well as long as today is better than yesterday, that is all you can pray for! forwards, not backwards, postive energy and prayers coming your way, for a great day! my day was rather poopy too! the weather doesn't help, and I am sick, have 7 kids all day then Owen goes to his dad's for the week end, BUT I am going to start today...by choosing to smile not frown upon the harder times! tke care, hugs, and always know your friends are near! xo

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

I just needed to vent a little, lol. Yes today WILL be a better day, I am declaring it so!!! Going to a craft fair today!!!

JK said...

That's sucky...hope your day is better Angela. Sometimes you just feel underappreciated, or taken for granted. You try hard to do things for others and they don't always see it. But know that you are loved! Get out and do something fun! And no more buying PNE items or As Seen on TV things...there's a reason there not in stores!!!