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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Just a thought.....

So last night I went to a lady's apartment in White Rock to get her Partylite order, she's really nice and friendly. We are sitting there talking about the orders and we hear outside someone yelling obscenities at the top of his lungs going up and down the street, this was at around 9:15pm, he goes on for a couple minutes and then goes away, several minutes later he comes back up the street and does it some more, she's like what a nut bar, I'm like...ah...yea, no kidding! Then we hear him closer, still shouting and going on and on, he was in the building not far from her door! We were getting a little nervous, so the lady goes and puts the chain lock on her door and we get back to work but the guy continues. Then she goes I'm going to go see what the %$#* is going on here and grabs her stick from the window and goes out to see what's going on. AHH!!! So she opens the door and is holding her stick in front of her like a baseball bat and says: "what the %$#* is going on here, I've got guests and this is really embarrassing", I was standing there looking at the guy and trying to figure out what the heck is going on and he proceeds to say that the guy that lives across the lobby is driving him nuts and that he want's to see the guys blood right here on my first, at this point I notice that he's got something in his hand, and I can't tell exactly what it is, I'm looking and looking and it looked to me like it was a small gun, just big enough for his hand. Now I should say that I'm not 100% sure that that is what it was but it sure looked like it. So I take a few steps back into the apartment and I'm trying to think what to do and how the heck is this happening! Just then the guy says "oh good there are the pigs (the police), I want to talk to them" and he opens the door and the cops say stop talking to that lady and come out here and talk to us and he leaves.

My friend comes inside and we were both pretty shaken up, we couldn't even talk or think straight for a few minutes, we needed to gather ourselves together. She said his eyes were really funny, I didn't really notice but he was probably on drugs and it's probably a good thing that the neighbor was not home otherwise there might have been even more trouble. I felt so bad for my friend because she was so embarrassed, I'm like it's ok, these things happen. When it was time for me to leave I was very thankful that I decided to park right across the street and didn't have to walk to far in the dark, the lady watched me to make sure I was safe.

So this whole thing got me to thinking.....With the way things are now a days, when I hear of people getting killed or hurt and they were at some seedy place or whatever, I think wow that's too bad but I'm not that surprised because they were at an unsavory place. I now realize that it's not just at "those" sorts of places that bad things happen, here I thought I'm just going to this lady's house in White Rock, it's safe there, I don't even think twice about it and a nutcase comes by, it very quickly could have turned into something very bad. It taught me a lesson that's for sure. I am so happy that I have the Lord watching out for me and protecting me and my family!

What are your thoughts? Is it just me and my naiveness that thinks this or do you have the same thoughts?

1 comment:

Gary & Lynda said...

Ummm... when Gary was hurt it was not our fault and we were not in an unsavoury place. You have to be pretty careful about what you see in the news. Even the original broadcasts about us got the number of people in the house wrong every time, and they even said that we'd lived there for a month when we'd lived there over 3 years. They made us sounds like transients. But if you didn't know us, how would you know?