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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Mish Mash

Today I went with Alexa's class to the Reifel bird sanctuary, I could have spelled that wrong lol, anyways it's a place out past Ladner, BC. We saw lots of different kinds of ducks and birds, we even had chickadees eating out of our hands, so cool!!! I am certainly paying for all the walking there now though, my foot is killing me, feels like I've got a knife stuck in the bottom! OUCH! I suppose I should tell you why my foot would be hurting eh? lol On Tuesday I had a wart burned on the bottom of my foot for the third time, it didn't hurt as much as last time but yesterday and today it hurt quite a bit, strange.

So now I'm just taking it easy, made a simple dinner for the girls, Kraft macaroni and cheese but wholewheat! Crazy! They love it, I'm so glad, now I don't need to feel quite so guilty about feeding it to them! lol Maybe I'll pop in a frozen pizza for myself after they are in bed.

Yesterday I heard of an interesting weight loss trick. On this weeks cover of Women's World magazine is Karina Smirnof, (sp?) from Dancing With the Stars, and she says that to stay slim and to lose weight she follows an old Russian remedy, having a tablespoon of olive oil in the morning every day before you've had anything else. I think this is interesting because there are many healthy properties to olive oil but I wonder if it really does aid in weight loss, the article said that women have tried it and not dieted and lost weight just from taking the olive oil, hmm.

Today we are on day 2 of dry pull ups with Brooklynn!!! Praise the Lord, there IS an end in sight!!! :o) She has not had one accident today or yesterday, fantastic, I'm so proud of her! She has even been out shopping a couple times with no incidents. :o) :o) :o) Can you tell I'm rather thrilled? lol

Tomorrow is Halloween, I'm not big on it, I usually take the girls to the "Hallelujah Party" at Alexa's school as a nice alternative, they like it and it's fun. What are your plans?


Anonymous said...

I've heard Grapeseed oil is great also. I don't drink it, but use it in absolutely everything from baking and frying to greasing pans and in salads. I think Karina should also mention she dances from sun-up to sun-down. It just might have a wee bit to do with keeping the weight off. OH, I also know olive oil is supposed to be good if you have gallbladder issues - but then you're supposed to drink like a cup of it. Think I'll pass on that one.

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

Yes, I thought of the dancing so much thing too, I wondered if just having the olive oil really did help one to lose weight as much as dancing as much as she does! lol Grape seed oil? Hmm, never heard of that one.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!