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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Odds and Ends

Well not too much response on what you would like to read on here, is anyone reading this? lol I really should be heading to bed now, morning comes far to soon as far as I'm concerned, one of these days I'm going to have to become a morning person.

I think I'm just going to write about some odds and ends today, hope that's ok.

Today was a fun day, I got to go and have a make-up make-over at John Casablancas school in Vancouver! Dale's cousin is going to school there and she needed a model and I was the lucky girl, it was so fun, got my make-up done twice and had the afternoon out what could be better? I even came home to find that Dale had made chili for dinner and fed the girls and then he had to leave on a trip, so that was so great not to have to worry about supper.

I am not looking forward to tomorrow, I have a doctors appointment to get a nasty wart that I caught from a swimming pool burnt off, this will be the third treatment, the last one was so painful, I seriously could have used crutches for a couple days my foot was that sore......yea, so excited about that.

How many of you are worried about the H1N1? I am getting a bit concerned, I trust the Lord will protect us, I am not getting the vaccine and I will not being giving it too my children, will you???


Anonymous said...

a friend who is a nurse said there is more mercury in a tuna sandwich than in the shot. another friend said that according to the gov't agencies there is no mercury in the shot. I don't know I am getting concerned as well. Think that I will take my chances with the flu and nix the shot, but then I am compromising the health of other people in my family should I get the flu? Conspiricay theories are running rampant on the internet, alot of fear mongering, u get to the point where u don't know who to trust. God and your gut!!! But it still is scary.

Andra said...

Too nice that you got to be a make-up model! And coming home to dinner made and children fed - almost too good to be true! We aren't worrying about the H1N1. We are young, healthy individuals and if we do get it, it will be pretty much the same as any other flu we've had in the past. People occasionally die when they get the regular flu also. Here's one way to think about it...if we get the H1N1 we will either get sick and then get better again, or we will get sick and die and go to Heaven. I don't think God is calling us Home yet. He is in control and we have nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

every year people die from the flu, lots and lots of people. is it not strange the media has just gone nuts about this. drug companies making millions of dollars????

Unknown said...

I think part of the reason why people are getting concerned is because of the Pandemic in 1918 that was a subtype of the H1N1 strain. Most of the victims were healthy young adults, which is in direct contrast to the normal high risk group of young, elderly and health compromised. This pandemic took 2 years to control and killed 50-100 million people world wide. I know it was a long time ago and our health and health care system have changed...but I think that this is part of the reason they are over preparing. I do also whole heartedly agree that the Pharmacutical Company's are just raking it in, and are rushing to get vaccines out before they are even partially tested. It is a sad state of affairs when the all mighty dollar comes before peoples health and lives. That being said....I am going to vaccinate both of my children. I feel I have done enough research on the subject that I am making an informed decision and it is my feeling that for us, the benefits far outway the risk. I nearly lost my 11 month old son already and I am not willing to go through that again if I can do anything about it. For me, the thought that my children have a 1 in 1 million chance of contracting GBS or Autism from the vaccine is a far better chance to take than the 1 in 1000 chance of burrying one of them due to the swine flu.
I am in 100% total support of those who choose to not vaccinate....I have friends who are not, and a sister who is not. No matter what decision we make, to vaccinate or not, we are all making the right decision when it is a made out of love.