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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Bachelor recap

So did you like the first episode of this season? I did, I can see that there is most definitely going to be drama, like in the preview that shows Jake storming out of the one interview....interesting. I love how the host says EVERY season "This is the most dramatic season of the Bachelor/Bachelorette we've ever had!" Oh brother, seriously? I did like how they did away with (for last nights episode at least) the "coming up....." I hate that when they waste show time on showing us what's coming up after the commercial.

So a recap on last night, Jake meets 25 girls, for the most part they are all pretty, but some of them I was like seriously? I'm sure that the show puts some of these girls on purely for shock value, like for example the Cambodian girl who's pick up line was a not so classic: "I will let you land your airplane on my landing strip anytime" OH MY WORD! Did that really just come out of that girls mouth??? Thankfully Jake did not keep her around now we don't need to hear anymore of that grossness. I was actually a bit surprised that it wasn't edited out, but I suppose that those sorts of comments and innuendos are becoming more and more common nowadays which is very sad. And how about the girl who was crying nearly the whole night, Michelle? Wow, uh....how can you be THAT in love with him after only just meeting him, you are coming across desperate lady. I loved the question from the one girl wondering what Jake's priorities are in life, great question and his answer was even better, "God, Family, Friends, in that order" I loved it.

What did you think?


Anonymous said...

So it's not ok to be around people who swear, but it's ok to watch shows that promote that level of sexual innuendo?

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

No it's not ok, I didn't know that that was going to be on there, and as far as being around people who swear? I don't want my kids around it, that's what that post was about not about me being around it.

Anonymous said...

Watching Bachelor, who is to know what will be said and done...so anonymous person, no need to be rude. Just like hearing music on the radio...don't know whether you will be offended until you hear it. Swearing was not appreciated near Angela's kids, and she felt it was rude and not necessary to do around children, I fully agree!

Anonymous said...

I kindof have to agree with anon #1-I do agree swearing around children is totally unneccessary and should be obvious-but most tv shows should definately not be watched with kids around either-it makes women sex objects on that show-there is always sexual inuendos on it, so it's no surprise and I'd say 90% of the shows on TV should not be around kids. No offense needs to be taken to this, but our society sure turns a blind eye to all the sex in "chick flicks" and drama shows or soap operas on tv

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

I certainly agree with you #3, I think that our society has become very numb to these sorts of things and things that would not have been acceptable several years ago are now the norm. Because of this I don't watch shows like the bachelor or anything of the sort around my kids, I tape them if the kids are around and I want to watch them that badly.

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

I mean #4...........

Anonymous said...

This is anon #1 speaking.

I'm not quite sure how my comment was read as being so terribly "rude". I passed a comment on a perceived double standard. You went off in an earlier post about how horrible it is when "Christians" swear ... but then you justify watching The Bachelor by saying that you don't know what's going to be on the show. You may not know that a specific comment will be made, but you are well aware of the intent of the show and the fact that there WILL be innuendo, that women are fighting over the attentions of a man they barely know, and that there will very like be some pre-marital sex involved at some point. I see little difference between the two scenarios, and it appears as though you see quite a difference between them. The fact that he said that God is his first priority is great, but how much credibility do we give to that statement when we know nothing else?

You say that you want to post something that will "stir the pot", but when someone posts anything that you disagree with or choose to take as a personal attack you fly off about how people are rude.

The danger in expressing an opinion is that not everyone will agree with you. Some will disagree, and many will be far more "rude" than I am. You can't realistically expect to have the world pat you on the back and tell you how wonderful and right you are, in response to every post you make. The internet is a public forum, and you say you want people to comment. To shut down anyone who even remotely disagrees with you by calling them "rude" discourages people from commenting, and encourages people to remain anonymous.

For the record: I do watch the bachelor. I am a Christian. I swear on ocassion. My life is not perfect. Jesus loves me anyway. That's the beauty of it.

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

You know I don't think I have said that I like to stir the pot that was someone elses words, what I like is to read peoples debating. I like reading comments positive or negative but when it comes to someone saying that I'm basically a hypocrite why would that not bother me? Everyone is entitled to their opinions. As far as the Bachelor goes, to be honest if you knew me at all, who knows maybe you are a stranger I don't know, you would know that I can be a little on the naive side. I was just talking with someone today about the show and she thinks that they have pre marital sex on the over night dates too, but I don't think they do. We just agreed to disagree, that's the beauty of it, we can have differing opinions and it's fine but we don't need to make each other feel bad about it.