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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


In my last post I wrote about these guys swearing at a church event and it gave me another blog idea:

Recently we were at a party and there was this couple that were really getting on my nerves. The woman was telling a bunch of people about her labor and delivery of her child and was not being to careful about her description. Her kid and mine were right there and they were listening to her. Then the guy starts talking, I don't know what he was talking about but he's saying the "f" word among others, in front of the kids! I was mad. I was like "seriously? there are kids here and you can't watch your language?" I was sitting with my sister and she said I was over reacting and that kids were going to hear it anyways when we are out and about. Now this made me even more mad, I realize that you cannot control what your kids hear when you are out shopping etc but when you are in a situation like that in someones home, you CAN control that and I chose to control it, we left. Now, was I over reacting? I don't think so, when you have small children they don't need to be exposed to those sorts of things and the very idea that just because they will hear it other places outside of my control so just get used to it is absurd. Swearing is one of the things that just grates on me, I hate hearing it, especially from people who claim to be Christians, those words are not ones that should come out of your mouth. I really am bothered when I am out shopping and people are talking and swearing, I have never had the guts to say anything to them about it. Since when did it become so acceptable to speak that way without checking to see who's around? I know that I am most likely in the minority here with this but there you have it, my rant on swearing.


CC said...

I agree...control your language around kids!

rider38 said...

I was at a public sporting event once and the group next to us was using the f word every sentence. As politely as possible I asked him if he would mind watching his language. To my surprise, other people in his group said "Yeah, I agree". It reminded me that if something bothers me, chances are I'm not the only one. Only, usually I join the 'chicken' crowd and don't speak up...cluck cluck...that's me...

Adventures of the Homemaking Mommy said...

rider38, cool story! I tend to join the chicken crowd as well and I wish I had more guts to say something.