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Beautiful west coast of British Columbia, Canada
I am me, just looking for a place to talk.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall #2

Ok so I know I said I love fall, I still do, but all of these wind/rain storms are getting a little old. Last night we had a reprieve which was nice but had one each of the two nights before, and now they are calling for another one tonight, really?! Come on! I enjoy the storms but not so much at night when I am home alone and the power goes out and the girls freak out, thankfully that has not happened that many times this year but I still get ready with all the candles going just in case.

Last spring I made up an emergency kit, I put in boxes of cereal, pasta and canned sauce, jarred vegetables, powdered milk etc as well as batteries, battery operated lanterns, and a flash light that does not require batteries (what an awesome invention!). I am so thankful that I have those lanterns now, I have no idea why it never occurred to me before to have these before, now if the power goes out I can just put one in the each of the girls rooms and not worry about leaving it on, that only took 13 years to figure out! lol

Tonight I am off to Spanish class again, only 2 more left, I'll be sad when it's over I am really enjoying it. This morning I talked to my father-in-law, they just got back from several months in Sweden, when he answered the phone he said something in Swedish to me and the response that formed in my mind was Spanish! haha I did take a Swedish course once too so I know a little bit, the basic greetings etc but I had to laugh at my own reaction, that I was getting the languages mixed up.

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